Thursday, December 22, 2005

Fairy Tales and Truth

Yes, I still watch cartoons all the time.

Cartoons are good wat. Well some are anyways, the old cartoons like Transformers, Mask and Visionaries absolutely ROCK. Some of the new ones like Cow and Chicken, Spongebob (I know some of you like it, I don't) sucks.

Well something was reinforced today in me when I was watching Batman (it's the new series, with the kid Batman. Still good, still good). We humans need dreams. We need fantasy and stories.

We need them like we need the occasional vacation. We need them like the security blanket that we kept from young, or the occasional sweet. We human beings need hope. We need an ideal to work towards, and that's what fairy tales are.

But then again, reality check. Chances are, we're never gonna have fairy tales come true. Or rather, we're not gonna have the whole thing come true for us. Some fragments, most probably, knight in shining armour, maybe. Happily ever after, most definitely not.

Even then, just like dreams, or sweets or the vacation, we can't live in them. They're a refuge, not a permanent residence. And one of the ironies of life is that the only way to get closer to that ideal is to wake up and actually live it.

Let's face it. Life is never gonna be perfect. But it is the lack of perfection that gives it... Character. The ideal is necessary cos we need something to work towards. The stories remind us that there is something to live for. Just try not to cross the line, and dream the life away.

If we live the dream, with all its imperfections in the real world. Perhaps we also get something a little more than that pot of fairy gold. We get to know that we have shite happen to us, and we can take that, and with a shovel, tamp it down for good compost.

Who knows, sometimes, life may just give us a big bunch of lovely smelling flowers as the perfect complement to the fragrance of blood, sweat and toil.


101wish said...

I like cartoons as well, esp jap anime...currently following Naruto, kekeke...

Vandalin said...

I love them too. No matter how hungeover I am on Saturday, I'm still watching Kid's Central!