The musings of a overworked, under-rested mind goes online. Bringing a couple of smiles and perhaps inspire a few ideas, and get some inspiration back. And if you believe this will make me talk less, there's a bridge over in London I'd like to sell you. Cheap.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
No reserve, No Retreats, No Regrets
This guy didn't have an illustrious career as a missionary, though he wanted to be one. But what he wrote at the back of his Bible is a shining example to all of us.
The man was Wiiliam Borden. He died at 25 studying Arabic to prepare himself to spread the word to the Muslims in China.
After travelling the world and given the burden of evangelism, he wrote this at the back of his Bible. "NO RESERVES"
When he was offered great jobs after leaving college, he stuck to his mission of going forward to spread the Word. He wrote two more words. "NO RETREATS"
When his body was brought home from Egypt, where he fell sick, and passed away learning Arabic to prepare for his mission, they found these words written at the back of his Bible. "No Regrets"
In his 25 years of living, even though he did not fulfil his mission of going to the field, this MAN has shown us all a simple, yet profound truth.
Take the time to read his short story here.
Monday, November 28, 2005
The Passing of A Legend
This is sad news. And a little late, but better late than never.
Mr Miyagi, from The Karate Kid passed away on Friday.
The Karate Kid was one of the greatest memories of my formative years. Now, the man shall live on in the memories of a generation of people that remember him in that defining role that shaped the lives of millions of kids around the world.
Let's take a moment and remember our childhood and the people that shaped it.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Holiday Season
How do YOU spend Christmas and the New Year? Party the night away? Hang out with friends, have fun, do crazy things that you normally wouldn't even consider doing? (Last year, during New Year, we crashed the party of the folks upstairs of our hotel room. Hey they dared us!)
Maybe I'm getting old, but I'm starting to consider why it is that we actually do the things that we do. Do we join in the crazy revelry because we humans, are social animals? We want to belong to something bigger han ourselves, and during times like these, we again affirm that we are not alone in the world, and there usually is someone sillier than ourselves. Maybe.
The one peeve I usually have is that after the party is over, the clean up is a ton of work. What kinda clean up? Well walk along Orchard Road, or Boat Quay the morning after, and you'll see what I mean. Not only that, one night of excess drinks and too little sleep usually have us crashing for the next couple of days. That, more than any other reason is probably why the next couple of days are holidays.
But maybe I'm getting old, but since 4 or 5 years back, I have made it a point to make Christmas a time that one spends with loved ones. No, no sudden surge of Christmas conscience, but rather, an instant of reflection, ironically in the middle of a club along Mohammad Sultan, after going carolling. I suddenly found it pointless, to spend the season of love and remembering and honouring those people we find closest to us, in a club surrounded by strangers. I can't find meaning or fun after that. Man, I remember even after a good jug of whiskey dry, I suddenly got sober, and sat with my uni friend in the corner of the club, watching and wrapped in our thoughts.
And this morning waking up out of bed, I wonder if it makes sense to spend the whole of New Year's eve getting sloshed and partying. Oh believe me, I believe that partying has its part in the whole celebrations thing, and I firmly believe that probably before the sun comes up, one has got to move one's bon bon to at least ONE trashy song.
But before that? I think this year I'll try something different. I think I'll still take the hotel room. I'll still get the booze out, and perhaps a couple of cigars. But the afternoon, and the evening before the revelry goes, I think I'll take some time and reflect everything that has happened over the last year. I need to remember all the good things and bad things that happened, the lessons I learnt, or didn't learn and essentially mark and honour those memories. I will take some time to feel thankful for all the people that have come and gone in that last year, and I'll take some time to reflect.
And since it is the threshold of the new year, I will also take some time to consider my own future year. One more potential year of ups and downs, of growth, and perhaps, just perhaps start to germinate a plan of what I want to do in the coming year. It is time on earth that is given, and I reckon it's only right that I take a little time to try to use it well.
I want to spend that time with a few people with similar ideals of the evening, and over some drinks, somewhere, overlooking the water, and just let the thoughts ebb and flow for the day and perhaps the better part of the evening.
The partying will come after.
Oh, and the ass we'll kick I think is gonna be much better, and much crazier, simply because we have taken time to find closure to the year, and celebrate the coming of the new one with a little less baggage.
So, New Year eve reflection anyone? Bring a writing pad, a pen and a bottle of booze.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Be-Cough Of You
In fact, if we had a misery index of all the diseases in the world together, I believe that the flu virus will top the chart by a HUGE lead.
Let's list all the things that possibly happen to one in the event of the common flu.
1. The fever sucks, and throws your thermostat out of whack. Bury yourself in blankets and you're too hot. Take away one, and you feel like you're in the middle of the arctic.
2. The running nose and the sneezing. Someone told me that when one sneezes, the force generated by the sneeze is equal to a minor hurricane. I can believe it. Try sneezing at your work table with a stack of loose paper. Hurricane Katrina? Bah! The sore nose from the blowing, and the leaking when you're NOT, oh the agony.
3. The pimples. YES! What is the direct result of all that rubbing and sneezing of the nose? The blossoming of pimples. And don't even get me started on the pain of one unripe one right on the side of your nose.
4. The incessant cough. Now I am not sure if this happens to everyone. But my throat at least takes forever to recover from any flu. The constant coughing is terribly wearing. Can't sleep, can hardly eat, in fact, been nervous about driving as well because of the cough. Last thing you wanna be doing is to battle rush hour traffic with your body racked with a string of coughing.
4. The sore throat, and loss of voice. If you're an introvert, no issue. If you're someone who needs the voice to work, 'nuff said.
5. The gunk that comes out of every orfice of one's body. Green spit, green mucus... Almost feels like you're melting inside and stuff is coming out of every part of the body.
6. Loss of sleep due to all of the above.
7. The general feeling of crapiness.
And Last but definitely NOT least, is the sheer number of times it happens. It's absurd! And there's no known cure for the common cold. Oh... Ebola, you get it, you die, end of story. Chicken pox, get it once, and you're done for the rest of your life. But the flu... Oh! the FLU! It just keeps coming back!
Enough ranting. My eyes are getting cross eyed from all the coughing. Peace, Out.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Why is it that certain lessons of life, and truths are best illustrated not by life itself, but by fictional, or even fantasy stories?
So much so that sometimes, facts and history books in comparison in the description and putting a point across.
In fact, I have realized that it almost seems that the more fundamental the lesson, the more necessary it be put across in story form.
Just a thought. Dinner beckons. And little in life is more real than the growl of the stomach.
The Weight of Knowledge
I believed then, and I still believe now that knowledge is power. And to know or understand something, one is made custodian and bears the burden of that knowledge. One is then responsible for its dissemination and use.
Say for example, when I was in university, the hard copy of this these rantings included a section on ideal date ideas, and there were loads of contribution from both genders. Truth be told, I didn't show it to everyone. I was hugely selective on who I gave the information to. I chose only those people that I thought needed that knowledge or would put it to good use.
There is a part of me that's hugely interested in booze (but you all already know that). And as a result of that knowledge I can probably get folks drunk without them even knowing they're well on the road to get wasted. This knowledge I used to guard like a Ah Pek does his winning 4D slip.
Why? Because in the wrong hands, this knowledge is dangerous. If there come a time where the person I give the info to abuses it, I cannot be blameless. It's like handing a loaded gun to a kid, a beer bottle to a drunk, or letting a 12 year old behind the car. Knowledge in the hands of someone who do not know how to use it, or abuses it, is either wasted, or potentially disasterous.
Then again, how does one know if a person is suitable till he IS given that knowledge? Ahhh.... The confusion and the paradox.
No wonder Einstein lost so much hair. From what little I know of the great man, he encountered the same dilemma when he discovered atomic energy. The ability for man to hold so much power is at the same time, humbling, terrifying, exciting, and possibly, dangerously intoxicating and addictive.
I'm going to borrow the Parafaith Wars again by LE Modesitt Jr. There is a paragraph inside that I want to write on this subject. When I find it, I'll write it here. In the mean time, here's what I wrote the last time.
ADDED - 17 Feb 2006
An elaboration of the burden of knowledge.
As time goes by, the more knowledge you possess, the more selective you are at sharing. Many other considerations come to mind even before one shares. One starts to realize that it is not a good idea to share everything one knows.
Some people are not receptive, some are not ready, some end up rejecting both the knowledge, and the person that attempts to share. There might even be some that would take the knowledge in a way by which it was not intended, and we end up hurting them or people around them with this same knowledge.
For me, I try to keep an open mind about most things. I agree to disagree. In a good argument/discussion, one can clarify one's own point of view, as well as begin to understand where the other person is coming from. Or in some rare occasions, might even provide enough food for thought to get the other party to start agreeing with you. Or Vice Versa.
As custodians, we constantly face with a decision whether to share the knowledge we hold. We constantly have to ask ourselves. To share, or not to share? What kind of consequences will there be, either way? At the end of the day, we are the judge, jury and executioner of our own verdict, and we have to live with our decision. Like it or not.
Perhaps ignorance is truly bliss. So my friend, if you have the knowledge, use it well. If you don't, be thankful you are not burdened by it. And if that honour and responsibility is thrust upon you, pray that you make the right choices, or pray that you can live with the consequences.
The Dilemma of Love
When 2 people are together, there is usually a lot of conflict that needs resolving. Habits that one or the other find offensive, schedules, nitty gritty details that come with associating with another person intimately for long periods of time.
Some things we can change, some, we can't. In those times, there need be a certain amount of acceptance. My question is this, where does one draw the line of that acceptance?
And innately there is a certain ego involved when it comes to relationships. What do I mean? We believe ourselves to be the best person for our halves. It's an innate, natural feeling. A small issue comes when an insidious question worms into our minds. What if, in that acceptance, the person is not as happy as he or she potentially can be? I mean on one hand, you want the person to be with you, and so you do your best. On the other, you want the person to be completely happy.
Do we still change? Or do we let the person go? Where do we fight, and where do we say, go, and be as happy as you can possibly be, and don't let me hold you back.
Is the latter option a coward's way out? Or is it only logical? I don't believe the answer to be one or the other. What I do believe, is that the answer must lie somewhere in the middle. Where is my own balance? I'm not sure.
Somewhere in me is the answer. I know I have yet to find it.
Monday, November 21, 2005
I mean, we keep telling kids to grow up. Or tell someone that this person or action is mature/immature. But truth be told, what the HECK IS MATURITY???
Well we all know what maturity is NOT. It's not growing up or growing old. Maturity is not gained by the passing of years. Adulthood is, but maturity? Goodness knows.
Some are born with it. Some seek it, and find it. Some have it forced upon them. But what is it really?
Kinda like love in this aspect isn't it? You can describe its effects, its characteristics and is attributes, but I don't think any in the world can quite describe what maturity IS.
I'd like to put forward at this time that maturity is defined in people by what the positive qualities that they hold dear. I believe that everyone, whether they know it or not, holds a particular image of what an ideal person is like. The characteristics and traits of that person, the attributes, likes and dislikes.
I think that the easiest definition of maturity is the progression towards this ideal in that person. The closer you are to that ideal, the more mature you are. The further away, the less mature you seem to be.
Again, maturity is relative. Why? Because the ideals in people and the things that make up that ideal is relative. And that what is mature to one person is not that to another.
What are some of the things that I find make up a mature person?
1. Self awareness and one's comfort level with oneself
2. Self-Control
3. Empathy or taking a step in the other person's shoes.
4. Taking responsibility for one's own life.
Based on these, not many people in Singapore, adults and even old people included, that fall in the category of mature people. But hey, what can I say, not everyone is grown up, or heck, even WANT to grow up. Or maybe I just see them as being immature, the same way they see me.
Dumb and Dumber
Anyways, being sick that day does not help. Was a little woozy. But the fun over the weekend just begun. Over the rest of the day, my voice gradually dropped. It's like suddenly I have a limited store of voice, and now, I am rapidly burning up my reserves.
Saturday night and I have not much voice left. Sunday morning. I work up, and I realized, I CAN ONLY WHISPER!
Hell, that's not even talking. That's textured AIR!
Anyways, ever tried planning a get together for somebody, and NOT be able to even talk? It's freaking torture I tell you. And add that to the lack of sleep. Thank GOD for modern technology.
Right anyway, weekend is over, and right now, I sound like Cookie Monster's grandfather. Maybe I'll get my voice back tomorrow as a bday present.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Wishes and Dreams
Dale Carnegie had the right idea when he was talking about making speeches. I think the same idea can be applied to life as well. I sort of quote from his book, "How to Develop Self-Confidence And Influence People By Public Speaking". "A good life is when at the end of it, you have 3 lives. One you prepared for, One you actually lived, and one that you wish you lived."
The South Americans were smart. And I wish this on anyone, "May you have all your dreams fulfilled but ONE."
Why? Simple, because if you had one dream, one desire yet unresolved, you carry on striving for it, your life has meaning. When you have fulfilled all your dreams, you stop growing, you will lack direction. It is time to die.
Think about it, and think about the things you are wishing for. Reach for the stars, so when you fall, you probably won't land in mud.
Pictures from Halloween
Check out the very very HOT catwoman in that cut up cat suit. Booya! I wonder who the heck is under that mask. ROOOOWWRRRR!
Olinda Chu seems to be the lucky owner of that lil cat... Hmm... Wonder how much is that pussy in the window. The one with the shiny buckle.
Yeah,we got on Nightlife as well. And well deservedly too, I gotta add. Too bad, they didn't get me too. Shows ya that not everyone has taste.
Right, enough cam whoring. Back to real food for thought. Eye and brain candy time is over.
Finally, Pictures from Halloween
You will realize there is a lack of make up on my face. Yes it is true. My naked face is by FAR the scariest thing on earth.
This is me with my Big Buddy Faz. No I am not drunk, I'm trying to look non-chalant. The "Dao" look just don't cut it for me.
I'm gonna go try and perfect staring down at people. I perfected the furrowed brow and the single eyebrow raise. I can master a good snobby, atas look.

That's Faz comparing who's got the bigger mouth.
I think Faz wins hands down, that's why the chap masquarading as a depressed Death is pissed off.
Methinks even Death needs some joy juice sometimes.

Siggh, is it my lot in life to always be oppressed by women?
NO I say!
They're just trying to keep me down, cos they know I'm so hot. Maybe they have better luck hiring full time bouncers instead.

One big happy family.
We met a couple of Shal's friends at the club, then proceeded to start a couple of dance fights. For the less literate among ya, it's when a group of people form a circle and take turns to get in the middle to bust their moves.
The lady in the pick fur hat is someone who got attracted to the commotion and joined in. We KNOW how to get a party started.
Yes, I know. My bo chub look looks sleepy this time. I'm working on it!

This whole obsession with skin whitening products goes to a whole new level. Or maybe she's albino. But hey, what do we Singaporeans pledge? "Regardless of race, language or religion" Right? I happen to take my pledge very seriously, especially when it comes to women
Though she is a bit of a cold fish, but I still managed to get to her in the end. Speaks loads about my charm doesn't it?
A couple more of pictures more to go....
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Car Accidents and 4D Numbers
I think I'll put it up on my top 10 things in Singapore that's uniquely Singaporean.
Whenever there's an accident of any sort, there is typically a jam. Now that is common. What is NOT common is the reason WHY there is a traffic jam.
It is not because of a narrowing of traffic. Neither is it cos you're concerned, and would call an ambulance for the poor soul (after all, using hps in cars are a big no-no... we cause more accidents cos both our hands are not on the steering wheel. I might delve into the inner workings of the government psyche, but I have not the willpower to keep my IQ artificially depressed).
Nope, more than half the time, it is to take note of the car plate number, so that the person can buy 4D or Toto later on. For the non-Singys, that's the equivalent of the lottery.
Oh the extent that people go to find inspiration for gambling. I have even had it happen to me before when my car blew a tyre on the ECP. This was in the afternoon when there aren't many cars around, mind you. And what happened, but a tailback started forming right behind my car.
Heck, when I dutifully put out the hazard sign the requisite 30 meters and attempted to change my car tyre, there were dozens of cars that starting switching lanes JUST TO TAKE NOTE OF MY CAR PLATE NUMBER. There is no other explaination for it.
In fact, with this desperation to find a muse for the 4D slip, there were several near misses and close shaves behind my car, possibly giving not only the first prize, but possibly the 2nd, 3rd as well as a couple of starters and consolation prizes as well.
And then my brain on overdrive, I was wondering to myself, hmm... what if I bought up ALL the 4D with my car plate number on it, and sold it to these gloating, inconsiderate assholes... make a quick buck and punish them at the same time.
Anyway, I took special note of the 4D results that weekend as well as a few more weekends after. Let's just say that this whole she-bang doesn't work.
What you can definitely know for sure, is that there's gonna be a jam if you're slowing down to look at the 4D number, your eyelid is gonna be twitching like mad, especially if there was a silver nissan sunny stuck somewhere at the back of the line.
Merc Cabs update
You have been warned.
Still if you're aching for a little bit of pampering... Go ahead. You can afford 20 cents
Friday, November 11, 2005
Shake Rattle and Roll
Tonite I check out the set of my 2nd most favourite DJ, DJ Rattle at One Fullerton. That man freakin RAWKS on the wheels of steel.
Ranked among the top 10 in the WORLD, I believe that Singapore has good reason to be proud of this man. I believe that the big shit-eating grin on his face whenever he hits the decks is one of the major reasons why he's all the way up there. That, and when I heard him kick ass in the Singapore DMC championships, he is smoooooth.
Enough gushing. I'm bringing my clubbing cap, and very very cool moves down to show any wannabe rawkers how it's done.
Peace, out.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Taxis and Human Nature
Warn your friends, your relatives, or any taxi drivers that you'll be meeting. Edmund is on a rampage.
I tried giving taxi drivers the benefit of doubt. I attempted to be understanding, and see how I can rationalize the actions of the cab driver, to being the poor downtrodden masses trying hard to make a living for their 3 screaming children and faithful doe-eyed wife.
I gave up.
I am sure that most cab drivers in Singapore are hardworking, nice, people who are trying to make a living, but get their asses kicked by the evil cab companies who up their rent over and beyond what is humanly tolerable. I am even sure that the accounts department for the cab companies can squeeze water from a rock, or rebates from the IRAS.
But there will be some STUPID, IRRESPONSIBLE, PIG HEADED, SLOBS who slack off like CRAZY, piss off all those people willing to pay, and after that, complain that they cannot make a living.
Take this morning for example. I try, SOO hard to get a cab. I counted at least 3 EMPTY cabs, no ON CALL sign, no BUSY, no SHIFT CHANGE signs, but when I attempt to flag them down, they took a nice long look at me, then carried on driving.
DUDE! I am SURE I don't stink. Neither do I look like a serial killer that pretends to be a passenger then murders them for their cash card when I get on the cab.
Then I found out why. The reason, according to one of the nice, normal, hardworking cabby, is cos these people are waiting FOR CALLS. Yeah, they want that extra $3 when you get onto the cab.
Arseholes. Truth be told, what's the opportunity cost of NOT picking people up? It's gonna cost wayy more than just the $3. 15 minutes between calls, during rush hour can mean one or maybe 2 full cab rides. That's at least $5-10 bucks out the window.
For $3, you throw away $5? Hmm... what's the logic in that? THEN they blame the world for their starving kids.
And all those cabs that do not go into the CBD simply cos it'll cost an extra S$1 to get customers. Regardless of the sheer number of people waiting for cabs on the other side of the gantry... they will rather waste time, enerygy, petrol to drive around, than to spend that $1 and actually make a living.
So the next time I hear one cabby complain about business being bad, I'm gonna slaughter him. Blood's gonna flow.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Masochism and Achievement
Ladies and gentle souls, I have realized, that the truth of the matter is, that achievement is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to Masochism.
Eh? What do ya mean, I hear you say... I'm sure Donald Trump and Sim Wong Hoo don't have a a closet tendancy to wear scrap leather and be spanked by tall, blond, whip wielding Amazons.
Shows ya how much you know about them don't ya?
No, seriously. I have realized that the achiever in life has come to a rather... unique view on life. Their WORK is actually FUN to them. In fact, the harder it is, the more difficult the going, the tougher the problem, the MORE they enjoy it.
One of the main reasons why Trump has the things he has now, is simply because he is hugely interested in the art of making deals. The bigger the deal, the higher the stakes... the more exciting it is for him. Kinda like finding the secret ultra tough level on your latest computer game, and the perverse pleasure of conquering that stage.
The computer geek gets a high score, recorded on the comp. Trump's high score is in cold hard cash, which he in turns goes onto the next stage and finds the next tougher stage to clear.
See the co-relation? It's strange that the epiphany comes when I am doing the direct OPPOSITE. I have slacked across the entire weekend at home. In doing so, I have realized that my spare time is spent on doing whatever it is that I value the most. In this case, watching the tango scene from Scent of a Woman 3 times, and admiring the yummy blond that danced with Al Pacino.
Then I realized, looking back at the things that I would do if I had the money to, or that other people would do, I realized that the common man's (or woman, or child) response to excess cash, or excess time is to.... SLACK OFF!
THAT is the one thing we hold closest to our hearts!
A strange thought then occurs to me, on the irony of life. That if I want to be able to slack off, I have to NOT enjoy slacking off. In other words, I have ACTUALLY turn into a masochist. Work must equal fun. That when I have free time, I actually must naturally gravitate towards... WORK.
Looks like it's time for me to go shopping for leather accessories, eh? Anyone free this Saturday to indulge in a little deviant behaviour?
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Iraqi Porn
I have no idea how Tilia found this but I'm damn glad she did.
Whatever gets those boys off... If you have a harem you have to learn sex from SOMEWHERE.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Couch Potato
I have no idea really.
Almost like the greater the motivation, the greater the slumps. But that just might be an excuse for myself.
No clubbing, no parties this weekend. I think everyone has overpartied over the last weekend. After all with 2 holidays in one week, I reckon even the most hardcore kid on the block will be wiped out by today.
I found a picture on my friend's friendster. Here, take a look. I doubt I'll ever be a camwhore, but hey... one picture doth not a camwhore make.

Yeah, I know I'm hot.
Other trivials, Lyd came back from Oz and added to my alcohol collection. THANKS SIS! But seriously, chilli in butterscotch schnapps? Hmm, I need to get someone to testdrive this first... I wonder if it's the wussy ang-moh chillis or are they gonna pack a punch like the chilli padi. Any volunteers?
Been feeling lerthagic recently... and reading through the I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams, vs Way of the Superior Man... hmm... I'm still trying to integrate both sides of the coin into my own system. Wonder how I can get my cake and eat it.
In the mean time, I'm just wondering why my brain seem to have gone on holiday. Well I'm not gonna venture a guess.
Tomorrow it's gonna be 7:30am at city bayview... sheesh.
Another time, friends, when my mind has come back from its holidays.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Birthday Wishes
Remember to update me on your mischief in Oz!
Right now I still feel like Death warmed over, and my brain activities are near absolute zero. If someone came and took an MRI right now, my guess is that mine might be mistaken for the coma patient in the hospital. My eyes tracking the letters on the screen? That's just REM of deep sleep, with my eyes open.
Why is it that I feel so lerthagic? Honestly I don't know. Emotionally I feel like I flat lined as well... Nothing is exciting me, nothing is depressing me, nothing is making me high or low. Damn, this is cause for concern. IF I can get up enough energy to be.
Funny thing is, I'm also watching my DVDs after I come home, instead of heading straight to bed, like I know will be good for me. What the heck is wrong with me? Hmmm...
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Halloween Eve
Ahhh... I have been waiting for a long long time to go out during Halloween's. It's an interesting time, to see all the people in costume.
This year's Halloween's is right before Deepavali. Is it a good thing? Probably, for most of the folks out there. This year though, I am at work.
But this is a good thing. That means money coming in for my company, only thing is that I have to wake up at 6:45 in the morning!
Anyways, looking at weird people in stranger clothes is not an opportunity that should be passed up, even if I am not gonna have much sleep.
OK, highlights of the evening:
Getting into Nude for Free, cos the back door wasn't guarded and I just walked right in.
Doing salsa and getting everyone's attention (again... Weep, Fuzz, Weep) Wasn't on form though... forgot a lot of the more spectacular moves.
Meeting 2 of Shal's dance friends, I am wayyy too old to keep up with these hyperactive kids. I'm hot, but I just don't have enough energy to keep up.
Dance fights getting started wherever we go. What can we say, we freaking ROCKED the party.
(I think) Nadya Hutagalung in a Catwoman suit. 'Nuff Said.
FUZZ, if you're reading this, I want my pictures. There are voyuers here waiting to see us in all our glory.
More on Holloween's when the pictures come.