Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Dilemma of Love

One of the paradoxes of life that I have been contemplating for almost a decade, and yet not able to answer.

When 2 people are together, there is usually a lot of conflict that needs resolving. Habits that one or the other find offensive, schedules, nitty gritty details that come with associating with another person intimately for long periods of time.

Some things we can change, some, we can't. In those times, there need be a certain amount of acceptance. My question is this, where does one draw the line of that acceptance?

And innately there is a certain ego involved when it comes to relationships. What do I mean? We believe ourselves to be the best person for our halves. It's an innate, natural feeling. A small issue comes when an insidious question worms into our minds. What if, in that acceptance, the person is not as happy as he or she potentially can be? I mean on one hand, you want the person to be with you, and so you do your best. On the other, you want the person to be completely happy.

Do we still change? Or do we let the person go? Where do we fight, and where do we say, go, and be as happy as you can possibly be, and don't let me hold you back.
Is the latter option a coward's way out? Or is it only logical? I don't believe the answer to be one or the other. What I do believe, is that the answer must lie somewhere in the middle. Where is my own balance? I'm not sure.

Somewhere in me is the answer. I know I have yet to find it.


Kismet said...

I think by now we should know that the course of love never runs smooth. Anyone who thinks it's all sparks and no work must be living in La-la land. If 2 people are exactly the same, there may be no conflict but there will be nothing to keep it going too. No 2 persons are ever exactly the same. It takes hell of a lot of acceptance to make things work. I like to see people work things out..I feel very happy for them when they do. There may also come a point when both decides they have to part..but at least they tried and had a good fight against adversity. I think that's what really matters..

Vandalin said...

and the most ideal situation is when both part as friends isn't it?

done that once, and MAN was that tough.