Friday, November 18, 2005

Wishes and Dreams

Unfortunately life is not like a computer game, where we can keep playing and saving and going back until we have the perfect game.

Dale Carnegie had the right idea when he was talking about making speeches. I think the same idea can be applied to life as well. I sort of quote from his book, "How to Develop Self-Confidence And Influence People By Public Speaking". "A good life is when at the end of it, you have 3 lives. One you prepared for, One you actually lived, and one that you wish you lived."

The South Americans were smart. And I wish this on anyone, "May you have all your dreams fulfilled but ONE."

Why? Simple, because if you had one dream, one desire yet unresolved, you carry on striving for it, your life has meaning. When you have fulfilled all your dreams, you stop growing, you will lack direction. It is time to die.

Think about it, and think about the things you are wishing for. Reach for the stars, so when you fall, you probably won't land in mud.

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