Wednesday, October 12, 2005


It just occured to me where the inspiration of my nickname comes from. 2 places I think.

1. Quantum Leap

Remember that show? Long long time ago, about a scientist who, because of an accident in a time travel device ends up jumping from person to person throughout the course of history?

I LOVED that show. I was hmm... what, an impressionable 10-year-old at the time? I guess it is partly because it's sci-fi, and well, the hero really makes an impact in someone's life... someone who later changes the course of history.

The bittersweet thing is, after that, he gets zapped off again, and he goes on and on and on...

A wanderer through time and space, impacting people's lives, and then moving on. Kinda like a wanderer don't ya think?

2. Old westerns

And other stories like that. Notably, The Gunslinger from The Black Tower series in Stephen King, and from David Gemmell, Waylander, and that cowboy from another one of his books. The title slips my mind, but the impact remains.

All reach out to touch the world in some way, and then, they move on. The lone wanderer riding into the sunset...

Kinda romantic, kinda bittersweet, and yet, something... desirable?

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